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Schedule Changes

Schedule Change Requests



Please read all information below before submitting a schedule change request.



  • If you notice a mistake in your schedule, please email your counselor directly. For any other schedule change requests, please complete the electronic schedule change form linked below.

  • Students are required to be enrolled in the minimum number of classes during first semester to maintain full-time enrollment:

    • Seniors: 6 classes

    • Juniors: 6 classes

    • Sophomores: 7 classes

    • Freshmen: 8 classes (may include a study hall)

  • Schedule changes will be made based on space availability. Many classes are at capacity and classes cannot be overloaded to accommodate schedule change requests.

  • Changes cannot be made if a change creates an imbalance in class sizes.

  • A master schedule of all classes offered during first semester can be found on the link below. Please make sure a class is being offered during a specific class period before submitting any change requests.

  • Counselors will email students in response to all schedule change requests. After submitting each request, students are asked to check their TSD email accounts regularly.

  • Until changes are approved, students are expected to attend all classes in their schedules.

  • Counselors will begin to process schedule change requests after all new students have registered. For this reason, counselors will begin to process schedule change requests no earlier than Thursday, August 15.

  • Deadline to request a schedule change (adding a class): Sunday August 18

  • Deadline to drop a class without penalty: Wednesday, August 28



Electronic schedule change request form: CLICK HERE

LHS master schedule of classes: Master Schedule