Academic Honesty Policy
LHS Academic Honesty Policy
Loveland High School Academic Honesty Policy
LHS Honor Code:
Loveland High School is a learning community in which all members are held to high standards of academic honesty. We know that honesty and integrity are fundamental to learning, establishing trust, and personal development. These values are central to promoting personal responsibility, becoming principled and balanced learners who take pride in ourselves and our school.
LHS Honor Pledge:
As a member of the Loveland High School community, I pledge to represent myself truthfully, claim only work that is my own, and engage honestly in all academic assignments and assessments.
We understand that all members of the LHS community are responsible for demonstrating and fostering academic honesty. This includes students, teachers, administration, support staff, and parents. Each member has certain rights and responsibilities regarding upholding academic honesty and avoiding academic dishonesty and misconduct.
Scholastic Dishonesty/Academic Misconduct is defined as, but not limited the following behaviors:
copying/plagiarizing (intentional or unintentional)
using other's work in any fashion or sharing your own work with another student
obtaining advance copies of tests (either as a hardcopy or digitally)
removing answer booklets or keys
unauthorized use of cell phones, social media, taking photos, illicit or unethical use of technology before, during, or after assessments
unauthorized assistance of any kind including the use of online translators for World Language assignments or assessments
providing answers beyond the parameters of cooperative work as authorized by the instructor
TSD Discipline Code JICDA, section 16 further states that “Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating on a test, altering student records, plagiarism, or unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work.”
The disciplinary procedure for academic misconduct is as follows:
Upon each incident of suspected academic misconduct: The teacher will notify the student, the student's parent(s), and file a referral to the grade-level principal. The teacher, administrator, and counselor may choose to advance in one or more of the following ways based on the seriousness of the offense and whether it is the first, second, or third offense:
a conference with the student
a written reflection by the student about the misconduct infraction
an opportunity for the student to re-do the assignment after conferring with the student to check for understanding that he/she knows how to correct the error
an opportunity for the student to do an alternate assignment
a failing or zero grade on the assignment
the forming of a problem-solving team that includes any or all of the following: the student(s), the teacher, the grade level administrator, the counselor, the IB coordinator, and/or the student’s parent(s)
academic probation
LHS Academic Honesty roles and responsibilities:
All members of the LHS community should demonstrate and expect a high level of academic integrity from all other LHS community members including students, families, teachers, and administrators.
Student Responsibilities:
To be aware of and apply academic honesty procedures as students.
To act with academic honesty and integrity in their assignments, assessments, and interactions with other students.
To understand and accept the consequences for academic misconduct.
Student Rights:
To receive assessments and assignments with clearly defined parameters and criteria.
To ask clarifying questions surrounding assignments, assessments, criteria, and parameters.
To receive due process for any suspected act of academic misconduct.
Teacher Responsibilities:
To provide clear expectations and model, teach, and execute academic honesty and integrity.
To understand, educate, and provide equal enforcement of the academic honesty policy.
To teach and emphasize appropriate citation, referencing, collaboration, and technology use.
Teacher Rights:
To receive support from colleagues and administrators in informing students about academic honesty procedures and enforcement using due process.
Administrator Responsibilities:
To promote a culture of academic integrity and honesty throughout the school.
To support, intervene, and enforce the academic honesty policy.
Administrator Rights:
To ask for documentation from teachers as well as feedback from all parties involved in suspected academic misconduct in order to come to a decision.
To arrange and facilitate meetings with involved parties when necessary to address issues with academic honesty and misconduct.
Created spring 2018, revised and approved by LHS Staff 5/29/18